Put proper lightning on Product to take good picture

How to take pictures with white background for Amazon

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Online shopping has gathered a new momentum worldwide with e commerce giants like Amazon and e Bay providing avenues for both buyers and sellers alike. While customers mainly rely on images to make their buying decisions, a picture can make or break a seller’s fortune. And images go a long way in helping buyers decide the product viability, and quality before they go ahead with the purchase. Therefore, it is essential for you as sellers to showcase high quality images that make your buyers choose you. This article will help you understand how to take product pictures for amazon.

A product image needs to be a guide for the product and crisply display all specifications pertaining to the product right from the colour, size to the material. Customers need an honest insight into what they are purchasing as most of the times, what they order isn’t what actually turns out when it’s finally delivered. Therefore you need to provide an authentic and good resolution image with the required clarity to win over your customer’s trust. This also helps you in brand building and secure a loyal customer base. Moreover, Amazon too has laid down some guidelines for the product images that sellers need to follow failing which their accounts may get suspended.

How to Take Perfect Photos for Amazon

Here are a few amazon product photography guidelines that sellers are obligated to follow:

Higher resolution

Use High Resolution Photos for Amazon product

Images captured by a professional photographer on a professional camera helps you secure high quality images which can even help in determining texture, colour and other parameters. It is mandatory to shoot your images using a higher resolution lens. Images should not be blurred and proper and optimum lighting should be used. Garments, Hardware tools, Books, Computer parts


There are 3 or 4 images for your product page. The main image is the first image that the buyer will see. This main image should have the front view of the product. Moreover, the rest of the images need to capture the images at all angles especially for garments where the frontal and rear view is essential to visualize the product. This helps in better view and helps customers make informed decisions.


Product Background

The background for your product images must always be white. Since white helps reflect all the colors well it will enhance the features of the product and also add emphasis.

In case of a white color product, especially with books you can change the tone of the white background so that your product is visible. It is rather easy to learn how to take pictures with white background for amazon. You just need to follow the steps in this article.


The product size should not be too much or too less. Small sized pictures will prohibit the customer from determining its features and specifications while large pictures will make the features go out of focus and many a times it is misleading too. This will lead to a negative impact on the customer so you should always keep the aspect ratios in mind.


Any product when being photographed should always be photographed alone. You should not place additional products adjacent to it as they may mislead the customer and they may get disconcerted if in case they don’t find these additional products with the product they ordered. This will enhance customer trust and satisfaction and help avoid any distraught customers. This is important especially in case of hardware tools and computer parts where accessories are also supplied.


Amazon helps sell a variety of products to all age groups and people of all walks of life. It is therefore important to maintain decency while photographing products. Suggestive images must be avoided at all cost even while advertising intimate apparel and products. Don’t focus on the models and their assets but focus on the product instead.

While these were the mandatory guidelines to be followed while capturing product images, here are some tips on how to capture the perfect product image for Amazon. As this process requires painstaking efforts, precision and patience, all you need is a basic idea and the correct equipment to make it work for you.

How to take pictures with white background on Amazon?

Amazon needs a pure white background for their images and the shade needs to be RGB 255 strictly. You will require some photo editing tools like photoshop, editing softwares, etc. You can use simple online tutorials as these tools are affordable and easy to use or can hire for Amazon photo editing to get your job done. You can also use background removal tools to help you manage the image background better.

Superior Lighting

Put proper lightning on Product to take good picture

You can use a lightbox to replicate a white backdrop. Even soft white lighting can work well. Avoid shadows. Diffuse lighting is always better and you should always avoid glare.

  • White muslin cloth provides the perfect white background.
  • Product Spacing
  • The product needs to fill at-least 85% of the total frame area. You can use cropping and resizing tools to manipulate this aspect.
  • Hone your photography skills:
  • In order to prevent dependence on a professional photographer which may cause increased production costs, you can instead sharpen your photography skills to avoid pixellations, blurring, camera shaking and out of focus shots.
  • Don’t add anything other than the product!
  • Always advertise what you will actually deliver. Adding unnecessary accessories, graphics, etc. will only mislead the customers. This won’t even qualify as per Amazon standards.

Use the following tips to ensure high quality and fetching photos on your Amazon product listing to generate the maximum customers. This will ensure that you win the maximum customers and also secure their trust. After all, it is imperative to deliver what you promise and help customers make informed decisions during their purchases so they keep coming back to you.

You don’t need to be a professional to capture good pictures, it’s really not as hard as it may seem. You need a good camera, perfect lighting hacks, and the right kind of shade knowledge and information of contrasts and shadow management to make this work for you.

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