How to Hire an SEO Specialist

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Today it is very important for entrepreneur to check these 12 FAQs before hiring an SEO specialist or company. These tips will guide you to choose the best one. Search Engine Optimization or the SEO has been the new hot cake in digital marketing. It has taken the marketing world to a whole new level and is keeping its importance high on priority. If your business does not show up on the first search pages of Google, yahoo or any other popular platforms, it’s high time you modify your search engine visibility. This will improve consumer awareness and reach and help in consumer involvement eventually.

Tips to hire an SEO Specialist for your business

How to Choose and Hire the Right SEO Expert

Whether you are a new entrepreneur or planning to explore your business worldwide,  make sure to check 12 quick tips to help you hire the perfect guy/company as an SEO, check this out:

Learn basic of SEO

This is very important, until you don’t know the basic of SEO, hiring a specialist will be tough. Even the giant search engines’ team confirmed during a conference that, one should have basic knowledge of SEO in order to hire a good specialist.

Check work experience

Look into the work history of the candidate. Any projects, start-ups or job history will help you to understand the capability of the applicant to ensure his knowledge about SEO. If not in details the applicant will be able to highlight his contributions earlier and how effective it has been.

Comfortable to share SEO techniques

A true and reliable Search Engine Optimizer will happy to share what short of work he/she is going to perform for your website. If, they are not comfortable to share it with you, then it’s a RED signal. A genuine consultant will follow Search Engine Guidelines to improve your website ranking, this he won’t afraid to share the detail.

Method of working/technical questions

It is always wise to gauge the technical knowledge of the candidate. If he/she has adequate knowledge and experience the candidate will be able to discuss freely about the work process. The basic areas to look into are the elimination of broken links, error pages, improving website URL and internal linking configuration (more like On page optimization process) and the like.

Webmaster regulations

Google follows strict webmaster rule to keep spamming at check. So it is essential to find out whether the SEO specialist is aware of the rules and adheres to it. Mal-handling the rules can lead to lowered ranking and even a ban. Several consultant will tell you that, they will rank your website in 2-3 months, beware of such person. No one can guarantee to rank on 1st page. Other search engines also follow the rules.

Local search

It is always a good idea to hire someone with adequate knowledge about local search listing on search platforms. This is particularly true for new small business where local customers are important. The candidate will be able to link and embed the location of the business in the website and eventually list in the local segment of platforms.

Transparency while working

It is extremely important to know exactly what changes or modifications the SEO expert is making to your website. Changes can vary with requirement and thus keeping oneself updated is extremely crucial for future reference. Stir clear of candidates denying on sharing the information on amendments done.

Gauging success of SEO campaigns

The candidate is preferred if he/she has adequate knowledge about analytics where either Google or any other search platforms offer a deep analysis of the traffic to a particular website. This knowledge in addition will help modify and alter the SEO for better visibility and reach.

Assuring No.1 ranking

It’s a red light if a candidate assures no.1 ranking of your website. The statement is absolutely false as no one apart from the search platforms can decide upon the number one ranking of a website. Any claimed connections from the candidate can be considered as a hoax.

Communication frequency

The more the expert communicates about the progress the better is the transparency. It is thus advised to discuss with the candidate how far he/she is comfortable sharing information and how often.

Fee or payment structure

It is a good idea to get an idea about the payment structure of the candidate prior to commencement of work. Most of the SEO charge project based and have varying service fees depending on the project requirement. Majorly SEO who work for small businesses charge lesser. Also frequency of payment and late fee charges need clarification as well.

Privacy of content

It is extremely crucial to maintain privacy of content even after the company ends contract or on exit from employee. Discussions on the same will give a brief overview about the attitude of the employee. This clause is generally included in the contract letter.

The above guidelines only give an general idea about the most important areas one needs to delve into while hiring an expert SEO. It is your experience and your evaluation of a particular person who can fit in your terms and conditions of the work structure in your company. This will surely be an added feather to your hat!

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