Free WordPress Site Installation Services

I am offering free WordPress site installation service to get your blog/site ready. I am offering completely free WordPress setup, theme installation, necessary plugin to let you start working on your website. It is 2019, and the world is on the internet. Yet somehow, making a website is still seen as a herculean task. It is considered complex and expensive, and said to drain your time. As a resultant, many people and individual businesses still don’t have their own websites.
Website Maintenace Plan

This can be considered a major folly, more so because internet traffic can truly boost your sales and revenue. Hence the necessity for a website. Now, it can be a blog, an information website or and internet sales website, but you can see it contributing towards your sales in a major way.

Now, lets get to the reason why you are here. You need help setting up a WordPress blog.

Now, lets get to the reason why you are here. You need help setting up a WordPress blog.

Why WordPress you say?

Well, it is currently the most popular website building tool in the world. They are the basis of nearly 75 million websites, which constitutes around 26% of all websites on the internet!

Why WP is so popular, is because:

That is why, WordPress hosts and partners up with some of the biggest brands and names in the industry, because they trust WP with their website and business requirements.

Regarding Free WordPress Setup Services

Now, I provide a free WordPress installation and setup service for you, but you are eligible for it when you sign up for web hosting from our web hosting partner. If you already have web hosting from a different service provider, then you will have to approach them for WP installation.

How this works is, that you will give me access to the web host control panel, or the cPanel, and I shall login and install it, and set it up for your website. Don’t worry, your login info is safe with me and I delete the information as soon as WordPress has been set up completely. We will also help you change your login and password credentials.  In case if you already own a website in WordPress and if it is hacked then you can request for fixed hacked website here.

Once you choose us to be your web hosting partner, we shall have your website online in 3 business days.

In addition to our architecture expertise, we will also install an SEO plugin that shall generate SEO friendly meta data tags, and an XML sitemap. This shall make your web site optimized for Search engines like Google, Bing, etc.

Once the above are done, the website is in your hands. You will have to change fonts and colors, select your choice of theme, upload content and format it to your liking. We shall also provide you links to tutorials and resources on how to make your website amongst the best.

So Don’t waste this opportunity! Contact me now for free WordPress support!

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