Easy On-page SEO Steps

10 On-Page SEO Steps That You Should Know in 2022!

Table of Contents

Here is the on-page SEO quick guide and process that will help to optimize the website in less than an hour. The business environment is getting competitive by the minute, so how do you keep up?  Well, the only way is to employ on-page SEO to gain visibility on the internet. Businesses are no longer using conventional marketing strategies instead they are now using the potential of the internet to reach out to a wider market. On-page SEO can fetch very good results provided it is incorporated well, for this it is better to consult experts who know how to get things done.

A Brief Overview Of On-Page SEO

Easy On-page SEO Steps

This is a method that includes employing techniques to enhance a business’s visibility on the internet. Proper SEO tools will help your website gain a lot of traffic, thereby giving your website a good rank on the search engines.

The Importance Of On-Page SEO

This is very effective to make sure that your website gets a good rank on search engine result page. There are many search engines (now mainly two) that consider many factors to find out if a particular website is related to the search. Proper SEO tools will assist the search engines to figure out the relevance of your website.

Another reason why SEO is adopted is to make sure that the search engines are able to index your website properly this gives the user a pleasant experience while searching on the search engines. The search engine algorithm will also make sure that your website stays updated with the present algorithm changes.

You have to understand that any website that is not optimized to the fullest will never work to the fullest. A website should be designed in a way to look good and also function properly. Thankfully, there are quite a few resources available on the internet that will teach you about the different aspects of on-page work, or else, you can hire an on-page seo specialist to get your job done.

10 On-Page SEO Factors That You Need To Take Into Consideration

Here is a list of ten things that you must consider using for on-page SEO. Have a read.

1) Finding Right Keywords

Keyword research

This is the base foundation of the entire website. Choosing a right set of keywords will help you to reach your goal. If you are going to target very tough keyword then you may not rank and in case if you are targeting a keyword that doesn’t have search volume then your website may rank on top but it won’t get any hits. Therefore choosing the right keyword is the crucial part behind success of any website. Google offer free Keyword research tool called Keyword planner that you can use to find a right keyword for your website. A good webmaster  like me, will help you to choose the right set of keywords for your website.

2) Quality Content

Use quality content on your website

Creating meaningful content should always be your top priority. The content should always be relevant to the keywords selected by  you. The content you choose to have on your website must  be helpful to the  readers. Also, you should pay attention to the length of the content. Typically, anything between 300 to 100 words should work just fine. Websites with lengthy content increase the chances of gaining visibility. Another thing that should be kept in mind is that the content should be completely original  any copied content can have disastrous results.

3) Use Proper URLs

URLs should be user friendly

It is important to create the right URL if you want to reach out to your target audience. A URL should be user friendly. For this you need to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and then you will realize that it is so important to have a URL that is optimized well. Here are some things you should keep in mind.

  • Do not use stop words like a, the, but, or, and.
  • Insert keywords within the URL
  • The URL should be reader- friendly so focus on using words
  • Incorporate subdomain or single domain
  • Keep the landing page URL less than 75 characters

Sample Bad URL: www.yoursitename.com/928989?=myproduct909

Sample Good URL : www.yoursitename.com/myproduct/

4) Title Tag & Meta Description

Title Tag and Meta Description uses

This play a crucial part in On-Page SEO. Having a right and meaningful Title Tag and Meta description may not only help the website to rank on 1st page but also increase the chances of CTR (click-through rate). Having right Title Tag and Meta description, may attract the users attention.

5) Multimedia

Use photos on your website

To make sure that people stay on your website for longer time (typically more than 10 seconds) then it’s important to add relevant  multimedia elements like:

  • Relevant Pictures
  • Pictures should be in jpeg or Png format
  • Infographic
  • Videos

This will make things very interesting. You can use things such as diagrams, work charts, photos, and videos.

6) Good Headlines

Use proper headings for on-page work

Good headlines always work wonders, so you must focus on creating ones that will draw attention and create curiosity. Search engines pick up these headlines  and display them in the  search engine result page. Therefore make sure to pick some relevant headlines.

A good page should have H2, H3, and H4 tags and these tags should have relevant product/services name.

7) Cross Linking

Cross linking pages is a part of on-page seo work

You must employ cross linking on your webpage as this will help in drawing traffic to your website. This will also enhance the experience of your users who are browsing through your website. If users spend more time on your website then the search engines see this as a positive sign and so your site gets a good ranking during the search results.

8) Loading Time

Loading time of a page should be fast

The higher the bounce rate of a page, the lesser the chances to rank on 1st page of Search engine. The main reason people exit a website is when the website takes a lot of time to load. This is one factor that needs to be taken very seriously. If your website loads a second slower than you are losing out on conversions by a huge margin. You can always use certain tools to gauge the speed of your page.

9) Proper Keyword Usage

It is important to use the right keywords on the content so that the search engines will figure out about the theme of a page. You must make sure to include the keywords in the title as the search engines will understand the content of your website. The meta-descriptions should also include your keywords. It is the meta-tags that are seen first by the users. Typically, you must include the primary keyword within the first 100 words.

10) Using A Canonical Tag

Now, the internet has a lot of duplicate information on it and sometimes the search engine cannot decide which is authentic.  You can avoid this problem if you employ canonical tag on the websites code. This code will remove any duplicate content and remove confusion.

Bonus Tips:

Monitoring Results

Even if your efforts are really small they should always be tracked and monitored regularly. Doing this will give you the chance to study the progress of your strategies so you can also take corrective measures for the weak areas.

Social Media Links

Social media  has become an integral part of SEO marketing so you may want to consider adding some buttons that will link your website to various social media. This will give your website a lot of exposure. You must take care to install social media  buttons on your website carefully so that it does not look messy.

So, by now you understand that incorporating on-page SEO is  not very easy as it requires a series of steps. Once it is employed properly the long-term results are fabulous. You can always consult SEO experts for their advice  on how to proceed with things.

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